Neuroimaging Courses Being developed by CAMH researchers

Members of the SCWG education team has been contributing to the Data Carpentry neuroimaging lesson development.

These lessons match the neuroimaging content that has been taught at CAMH (as part of BrainHack Toronto 2020) and the Compute Ontario Summer School. Most lessons include a set of Jupiter notebook that can be run independently in a binder instance:

Lessongithub repobinder instance
Intro to BIDS MR
Python BIDS functional MRI
Python BIDS diffusion MRI

McGills Online Neuroimaging Courses

The Montreal Neurological Institute's (Neuro) Brain Imaging Centre (BIC) has posted a lot of their Neuroimaging and data science workshop materials to an online at There's courses should be available to everyone (don't let the sign in with McGill ID link fool you - anyone can create an account and start learning!

A comprehensive online index of other resources   

This website is a comprehensive index of online resources that are being curated by an international group of Neuroimaging researchers:


Python: Introduction to Python