Dr. Sean Hill, Scientific Director of KCNI presented to the KCNI an overview of tech/data stack T-CAIREM in building (including what's already built and available and future roadmap).

Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 1:00 PM-2:00 PM EST
Talk recording: 
KCNI Internal Presentation: Sean Hill on T-CAIREM  tech/data stack

Meeting Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/ZL-osh0vR4rBi0uB5e8xNAcCQsXV4jtj2zxubg4vzFOp_wOK4jzExWper56t3EQ7.pULkFHAmlURwgXBl
Access Passcode: SH-TCairem03

T-CAIREM Presentation__CAMH.pdf