Here is a paper outline presentation that can be used to present in team meetings for feedback.

Please enter any manuscript of conference papers here. 

PlanningPublishedUnder ReviewStalled/LimboIn Prep
LEAD + SeniorAUTHOR LISTTITLEJournalDATA/Article TypeStatus
Sikstrom (Soklaridis)Kloiber, Hill, SoklaridisHumanized AlgorithmsScience Tech and Human ValuesResearch: Fairness (ethnographic)Outlined (next steps: incorporate key data into main body). Will present a version at AAAs in November. 
Lin + SikstromSzkudlarek, Hilton, Leroux, Rocha,  Bucago, Bush, Sockalingam, ZaheerDe-escalation training for health professionals and first responders: protocol for a scoping reviewPLOS ONE
First Draft Complete (January 2025)
Lee + SikstromZaheer, Hui, Penney, Rodak, Buchman

Ethical and legal considerations of artificial intelligence applications in psychiatric violence risk assessment: A scoping review protocol

Second Draft Circulated to research team (January 2025)
Durocher (Sikstrom)Crawford, Kirvan, Sockalingam, Strudwick, Clarkin, KempVirtual Care CompetenciesJMIRResearch: VC Competencies (pile Sort)First Draft Complete (need to incorporate findings)
Kirvan + Clarkin (Sikstrom + TBD)Crawford, Kirvan, Clarkin, Strudwick, Sockalingam, KempDelphi vs Pile SortTBDResearch: VC Competencies (pile Sort)Spring 2024 start (delayed by 988 launch, leaves)
Sikstrom (Socklaridis).... He opens Everyone's heart upSocial Science and Humanities OpenPet Therapy (participatory)Under review (Since November 2022)
Sikstrom & Maslej (Buchmann)Hill, Hui, Findlay, Zaheer, Strudwick, BuchmanPredictive Care ProtocolBMJ OpenProtocol: Predictive Care (comp ethno)

Accepted April 3, 2023

Sikstrom (Crawford)Kirvan, Clarkin, Strudwick, Sockalingam, KempVirtual Care Competencies CMAJ etc.VC Competencies (Combined)Spring 2024 Start
Wang (author list sorted?)Maslej, SikstromIntersecional TutorialPythonTutorial using Simulated (via Marta)Published:
Andrew Lee, SikstromZaheer, Buchman, Maslej, HillGoodhart's Law and AIPsychiatric Services (Commentary)Literature ReviewSubmitted, September 2024 
Sikstrom (Soklaridis?)Shen, Maslej, Kassam, Strudwick, HillRace and Racialization in Mental HealthAmerican Journal of Public HealthScoping ReviewDrafted, but stalled. Need to finish updating search in Covidence. 
Sikstrom/Maslej (author order and lead/senior TBD)
Gender + AggressionTBD


Qual (discourse/interviews)

In planning stages - tb discussed April 14.
Dharma, Sikstrom, MaslejBondy, Zaheer, Muirhead
Examining Systemic and Interpersonal Bias in Violence Risk Assessments of Patients in Acute Psychiatric Care

JAMA pscyhiatry (Rejected - Feb 2024)

Submitted to AJPH (Feb - 2024)

Submitted to Psychiatric Services (Mar - 2024)


Submitted (November 2023)

In Press (October 2024).

Pbulished (December 2024)

Wang, Sikstrom, MaslejXiao, ZaheerFairness assessmentPsychiatry Research (Under Review)

Yifan circulated draft (March 2024)

Submitted (december 2024)

Muirhead, Maslej, SikstromZaheer, ThresholdsSSM or Advances


V1 completed; V2 in progress
Sikstrom, Maslej, MuirheadMuirhead, Maslej, Zaheer, HillTeamingTechnological Forecasting and Social Change


Maslej, Sikstrom
Productive Mistrust

CHI (major revision)

Second journal (major revision)


Under Review
Lavoie-Racine, Saibel, Sikstrom


Preliminary outline (December 2024)
Bennett-Poynter and Sri, Sikstrom
Harnessing Digital HEalth Data in Suicide Prevention and CAre: A rapid review (Hope App)SAGE Digital Health


Under Review (May 2024)

Accepted (December 2024)

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