Often we develop pipelines where a particular job must be launched only after previous jobs were successully completed. SLURM provides a way to implement such pipelines with its --dependency option:

  • --dependency=afterok:<job_id>. Submitted job will be launched if and only if job with job_id identifier was successfully completed. If job_id is a job array, then all jobs in that job array must be successfully completed.
  • --dependency=afternotok:<job_id>. Submitted job will be launched if and only if job with job_id identifier failed. If job_id is a job array, then at least one job in that array failed. This option may be useful for cleanup step.
  • --dependency=afterany:<job_id>. Submitted job wil be launched after job with job_id identifier terminated i.e. completed successfully or failed.

    Let's consider a pipeline with the following steps:

    1. split input data into N chunks;
    2. submit SLURM job array with N jobs - one job per data chunk;
    3. merge N output files into single final output file.

    In this example, job (3) must be launched only after all jobs in step (2) are successfully finished. You can tell SLURM to automatically run job (3) after jobs in step (2) with the following bash script:

    # On successfull job sumbission, SLURM prints new job identifier to standard output. We can use this job identifier to specify job dependency.
    # Submit your job array.
    slurm_message=$(sbatch --array=0-9 --wrap="Rscript myscript.R chunk_$SLURM_ARRAY_TASK_ID.txt")
    # Extract job identifier from SLURM's message.
    if ! echo ${message} | grep -q "[1-9][0-9]*$"; then
       echo "Job(s) submission failed."
       echo ${message}
       exit 1
       job=$(echo ${message} | grep -oh "[1-9][0-9]*$")
    # Submit merge script wich will be launched only if all jobs in prevously submitted job array are successfully completed.
    sbatch --depend=afterok:${job_id} --wrap="Rscript mymergescript.R"

    If a dependency condition was never satified, then the dependent job will remain in the SLURM queue with status DependencyNeverSatisfied. In this case, you need to cancel such job manually with scancel command.