Name | Head Shot | Brief Background & Affiliations | Contact Info |
Image Added Name: Abhishek Pratap Call Name: Abhi Pronouns: he/him
| Short Bio:
Affiliations: Group Head, AID 4 Mental Health Lab Independent Scientist | CAMH | Krembil Center for Neuroinformatics Assistant Professor, Dept of Psychiatry, Univ of Toronto Faculty Affiliate | Vector Institute Toronto Affiliate Assistant Professor, BIME, University of Washington, Seattle Visiting Research Fellow | Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience, King's College, Londonemail |
Email: abhishek.pratap@camh.ca
| cellCell: 206-861-2064
| personal Personal website: apratap.me | (not done done) Github: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishekpratap
Name: Call Name: Pronouns:
| Short Bio:
| cellCell:
| personal Personal website:
| LinkedInGithub:
| GitHubLinkedIn: | apratap |
Name: Call Name: Pronouns:
| Short Bio:
email: cell: personal website: LinkedIn: GitHub: |
Name | Head Shot | Brief Background & Affiliations | Contact Info |
Name: Call Name: Pronouns:
| Short Bio:
email: cell: personal website: LinkedIn: GitHub: |
Abhishek Pratap Abhi Pronouns: he/himCall Name: Abhi Pronouns: he/himemail: abhishek.pratap@camh.ca
cell: 206-861-2064
personal website: apratap.me (not done done)
Pronouns: | Short Bio:
email: cell: personal website: LinkedIn: GitHub: |
Name: Call Name: Pronouns:
| Short Bio:
email: cell: personal website: LinkedIn: GitHub: |
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abhishekpratap