Papers in progress
Anchor |
| papers in progress |
| papers in progress |
1 | | Ethan H Kim, Ramzi Halabi, Jessica Jenness, Adam Bryant Miller, Max de Zambotti, Kara Bagot, Fiona Baker, Abhishek Pratap | TBD - ABCD Bias Analysis | TBD | TBD | Folder |
2 |
| Point of Contact | Author List (Last I.) | Title (Sentence case) | Journal |
Submission Deadline | Manuscript | Submit Date | Status (In Prep, Submitted, In Review, Declined, Accepted, In Press, Published) | Accepted/In Press/Published Date | Manuscript |
1 |
Ava , Gavin Green, Veronica Rodriguez, Stephen Schueller, Abhishek PratapA,... Schueller S, and Pratap A. (List TBD) | TBD - Robust Digital Mental Health - An urgent need for open data and methods | TBD |
| TBD |
| Folder |
3Gillian Abhishek PratapDavid GratzerLydia SequeiraIman KassamDanielle ShinJohn Torous Pratap A., Gratzer D., Sequeira L., Kassam I., Shin D. and Torous J. (order TBD) | Evaluating a smartphone app for suicide prevention: A comparative analysis of the application of common frameworks | TBD |
| TBD |
| Folder |
4TBD | TBD - WASH sensor data QA/QCTBD | TBD | Folder | 5 | | Sophia Li, (Ramzi Halabi, Molly, Isabell, Sreya, Rahavi, Calvin, Brittany, Aditi)*** , Felipe, Pat Arean, Abhishek Pratap | Recruitment to Retention in Remote Research: Learnings from a Large Real-World Study | TBD | TBD | Folder |
6 | | TBD | RADAR MDD - Engagement (title TBD)Halabi R., Selvarajan R., Herd C., Li S., Arean P and Pratap A. (order TBD) | Assessing the quality of smartphones-based sensor data collected passively in real-world settings | TBD |
| TBD |
| Folder |
Submitted papers
Anchor |
| Accepted papers |
| Accepted papers |
| Point of Contact | Author List | Title | Journal | submit date | Status (In Prep, Submitted, In Review, Declined, Accepted, In Press, Published) | Accepted/In Press/Published Date | Manuscript |
1 | | Larsen M.E., Vo L.C. and Pratap A. Mark E. Larsen1,* (mark.larsen@blackdog.org.au) Lan Chi (Krysti) Vo2,3 (krystivoapa@gmail.com) Abhishek Pratap4,5 (abhishek.pratap@camh.ca) | Integrated Digital Platforms for Clinical Care |
2 | | Maal-Bared G, Yee M, Harding E, Ghebreselassie M, Bergamini M, Choy R, Kim E, Di Vito S. A., Patel M, Amirzadeh M, Grieder T. E., Nagy J. I., Bonin R, Steenland H. W., van der Kooy D. | Connexin-36-expressing Gap Junctions in VTA GABA Neurons Sustain Opiate Dependence | eLife | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Blue |
title | In review |
3 | | TBD | RADAR MDD - Engagement (title TBD) | TBD |
| TBD | Folder |
4 | | Kruzan K., Dobias M., Schleider J., Fitzsimmons-Craft E. and Pratap A. | Developing and Deploying Digital Mental Health Interventions in Spaces of Online Help- and Information-Seeking | Science Direct |
| Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Blue |
title | In review |
5 | | Li S., Halabi R., < Molly >, < Isabell >, < Sreya >, Selvarajan R., Herd C., < Brittany >, Surendra A., < Felipe >, Arean P, Pratap A. | Recruitment to retention in remote research: Learnings from a large real-world study | JMIR | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Yellow |
title | Submitted |
| Folder |
6 | | Kim E.H., Jenness J.L., Miller A.B., Halabi R., de Zambotti M., Bagot K.S., Baker F.C. and Pratap A. | Demographic and socioeconomic biases in the use of wearable sensing technology in children: Learnings from the ABCD Study | JAMA Network Open | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Yellow |
title | Submitted |
| Folder |
7 | | Pratap A, Homiar A, Waninger L, Herd C, Suver C, Volponi J, Anguera J.A, Arean P | Real-world behavioural dataset from two fully remote smartphone-based randomized clinical trials for depression | Nature Scientific Data | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Yellow |
title | Submitted |
| Folder |
Published papers
Anchor |
| Published papers |
| Published papers |
| Point of Contact | Author List | Title | Journal | submit date | Status | Accepted/In Press/Published Date |
1 | | Areán P.A., Pratap A., Hsin H., Huppert T.K., Hendricks K.E., Heagerty P.J., Cohen T., Bagge C. and Comtois K.A. | Perceived Utility and Characterization of Personal Google Search Histories to Detect Data Patterns Proximal to a Suicide Attempt in Individuals Who Previously Attempted Suicide: Pilot Cohort Study | JMIR | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
2 | | Omberg L., Neto E. C., Perumal T. M., Pratap A., Tediarjo A., Adams J., Bloem B R., Bot B M., Elson M., Goldman S M., Kellen M R., Kieburtz K., Klein A., Little M A., Schneider R., Suver C., Tarolli C., Tanner C M., Trister A D., Wilbanks J., Dorsey E. & Mangravite L. M. | Remote smartphone monitoring of Parkinson’s disease and individual response to therapy | Nature Biotechnology |
2 | | Renn B.N., Schurr M, Zaslavsky O & Pratap, A. | Artificial Intelligence: An Interprofessional Perspective on Implications for Geriatric Mental Health Research and Care Perspective | | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
Frontiers in Psychiatry, S. M..... D. R............. & Friend S., | An Alternative to the Light Touch Digital Health Remote Study: The Stress and Recovery in Frontline COVID-19 Health Care Workers Study | JMIR Formative Research | | Status |
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subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
4 | | Renn B.N., Schurr M, Zaslavsky O & Pratap, A. | Artificial Intelligence: An Interprofessional Perspective on Implications for Geriatric Mental Health Research and Care Perspective | Frontiers in Psychiatry | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
5 | | Abed-Estafahani, P., Darwin B. C., Howard, D., Wang, C., Kim, E., Lerch, J., and French, L. | Evaluation of deep convolutional neural networks for in situ hybridization gene expression image representation | PLOS One | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
6 | | Kim, E. H., Howard, D., Chen, Y., Tripathy, S. J and French, L. | LaminaRGeneVis: a tool to visualize gene expression across the laminar architecture of the human neocortex | Frontiers in Neuroinformatics | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
7 | | Olaye I. M., Belovsky M. P., Bataille L., Cheng R., Ciger A., Fortuna K. L., Izmailova E., McCall D., Miller C. J., Muehlhause W., Northcott C. A., Pratap A., Rodriguez-Chavez I. R., Vandendriessche B., Zisman-Ilani Y. & Bakker J. P. | Recommendations for defining and reporting adherence measured by Biometric Monitoring Technologies (BioMeTs): A systematic review | JMIR |
5 | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Green |
title | published |
| |
Declined papers
Anchor |
| Accepted papers |
| Accepted papers |
| Point of Contact | Author List | Title | Journal | submit date | Status |
1 | |
Abed-Estafahani, P., Darwin B. C., Howard, D., Wang, C., Kim, E., Lerch, J., and French, L. | Evaluation of deep convolutional neural networks for in situ hybridization gene expression image representation | PLOS One | 6 | | Kim, E. H., Howard, D., Chen, Y., Tripathy, S. J and French, L. | LaminaRGeneVis: a tool to visualize gene expression across the laminar architecture of the human neocortex | Frontiers in NeuroinformaticsMaal-Bared G, Yee M, Harding E, Ghebreselassie M, Bergamini M, Choy R, Kim E, Di Vito S. A., Patel M, Amirzadeh M, Grieder T. E., Nagy J. I., Bonin R, Steenland H. W., van der Kooy D. | Connexin-36-expressing Gap Junctions in VTA GABA Neurons Sustain Opiate Dependence | eLife | | Status |
| |
subtle | true |
colour | Red |
title | Declined |