All SCC users are provided with a 5GB home directory (/home/GROUP/USER) that is visible on login to the head node. However on the compute nodes the home directory is mounted as read-only, that is jobs can read from /home but cannot write files there. The contents of the /home directory are backed up regularly. The home directory should only be used for compiling programs. If for some reason a user feels that they will require more space in thier /home directory they may contact their administrator camhscc_support@camh.scc@gmailca.com
- Scratch Disk Space
Each PI account holder is provided with a large storage space (/scratch) for input and output for jobs. Research users under the PI usergroup can access the shared temporary /scratch directory. The size of the scratch space is negotiated with the CAMH PI based on the size of input and output and computing needs. This scratch space is not backed up. Furthermore data that has not been accessed in more than 3 months will be deleted.