Here is a paper outline presentation that can be used to present in team meetings for feedback.
Please enter any manuscript of conference papers here.
Planning | Published | Under Review | Stalled/Limbo | In Prep | |
LEAD + Senior | AUTHOR LIST | TITLE | Journal | DATA/Article Type | Status |
Sikstrom (Soklaridis) | Kloiber, Hill, Soklaridis | Humanized Algorithms | Science Tech and Human Values | Research: Fairness (ethnographic) | Outlined (next steps: incorporate key data into main body). Will present a version at AAAs in November. |
Lin + Sikstrom | Szkudlarek, Hilton, Leroux, Rocha, Bucago, Bush, Sockalingam, Zaheer | De-escalation training for health professionals and first responders: protocol for a scoping review | PLOS ONE | First Draft Complete (January 2025) | |
Lee + Sikstrom | Zaheer, Hui, Penney, Rodak, Buchman | Ethical and legal considerations of artificial intelligence applications in psychiatric violence risk assessment: A scoping review protocol | PLOS ONE or BMJ Open | Second Draft Circulated to research team (January 2025) | |
Durocher (Sikstrom) | Crawford, Kirvan, Sockalingam, Strudwick, Clarkin, Kemp | Virtual Care Competencies | JMIR | Research: VC Competencies (pile Sort) | First Draft Complete (need to incorporate findings) |
Kirvan + Clarkin (Sikstrom + TBD) | Crawford, Kirvan, Clarkin, Strudwick, Sockalingam, Kemp | Delphi vs Pile Sort | TBD | Research: VC Competencies (pile Sort) | Spring 2024 start (delayed by 988 launch, leaves) |
Sikstrom (Socklaridis) | .... | He opens Everyone's heart up | Social Science and Humanities Open | Pet Therapy (participatory) | Under review (Since November 2022) |
Sikstrom & Maslej (Buchmann) | Hill, Hui, Findlay, Zaheer, Strudwick, Buchman | Predictive Care Protocol | BMJ Open | Protocol: Predictive Care (comp ethno) | Accepted April 3, 2023 |
Sikstrom (Crawford) | Kirvan, Clarkin, Strudwick, Sockalingam, Kemp | Virtual Care Competencies | CMAJ etc. | VC Competencies (Combined) | Spring 2024 Start |
Wang (author list sorted?) | Maslej, Sikstrom | Intersecional Tutorial | Python | Tutorial using Simulated (via Marta) | Published: |
Andrew Lee, Sikstrom | Zaheer, Buchman, Maslej, Hill | Goodhart's Law and AI | Psychiatric Services (Commentary) | Literature Review | Submitted, September 2024 |
Sikstrom (Soklaridis?) | Shen, Maslej, Kassam, Strudwick, Hill | Race and Racialization in Mental Health | American Journal of Public Health | Scoping Review | Drafted, but stalled. Need to finish updating search in Covidence. |
Sikstrom/Maslej (author order and lead/senior TBD) | Gender + Aggression | TBD | Quant Qual (discourse/interviews) | In planning stages - tb discussed April 14. | |
Dharma, Sikstrom, Maslej | Bondy, Zaheer, Muirhead | Examining Systemic and Interpersonal Bias in Violence Risk Assessments of Patients in Acute Psychiatric Care | JAMA pscyhiatry (Rejected - Feb 2024) Submitted to AJPH (Feb - 2024) Submitted to Psychiatric Services (Mar - 2024) | Quant | Submitted (November 2023) In Press (October 2024). Pbulished (December 2024) |
Wang, Sikstrom, Maslej | Xiao, Zaheer | Fairness assessment | Psychiatry Research (Under Review) | Yifan circulated draft (March 2024) Submitted (december 2024) | |
Muirhead, Maslej, Sikstrom | Zaheer, | Thresholds | SSM or Advances | Mixed | V1 completed; V2 in progress |
Sikstrom, Maslej, Muirhead | Muirhead, Maslej, Zaheer, Hill | Teaming | Technological Forecasting and Social Change | Ethnographic | Outlined |
Maslej, Sikstrom | Productive Mistrust | CHI (major revision) Second journal (major revision) | Review | Under Review | |
Lavoie-Racine, Saibel, Sikstrom | tbd | | Qual | Preliminary outline (December 2024) | |
Bennett-Poynter and Sri, Sikstrom | Harnessing Digital HEalth Data in Suicide Prevention and CAre: A rapid review (Hope App) | SAGE Digital Health | review | Under Review (May 2024) Accepted (December 2024) | |