AID 4 Mental Health

Accepted abstracts

Invited to submit abstracts

Declined abstracts

Accepted abstracts

ConferencePoint of ContactAuthor ListTitleConference Date/LocationSubmission DeadlineAbstractSlides / Poster
Assessing the Quality of Smartphone-based Sensor Data Collected in the Real-world Settings19-21 September, Pittsburgh

Developing and deploying digital mental health interventions in spaces of online help- and information-seeking19-21 September, Pittsburgh

Learning individualized factors that are linked to sleep quality and daily functioning in real-world settings19-21 September, Pittsburgh


ConferencePoint of ContactAuthor ListTitleConference Date/LocationSubmission DeadlineAbstractSlides / Poster
ECNP-2022NANA20-21 Nice, France10 Mayn/aNA

Declined abstracts

ConferencePoint of ContactAuthor ListTitleConference Date/LocationAbstractSlides / Poster
AMIA-CIC 2022Xie J., Kapos, F., Cano-Calhoun, C., Mooney, S., Stephens, K., Chen, C., Hartzler, A and Pratap, A.,A pipeline for geospatial analysis of depression and obesity prevalence using primary care EHR data

May 24 - 26, 2022

Houston, Texas

SBM-2022Kazemeini, A., Deering, S., Stepnowsky, C., Kim, E. H., Mercer, R. E and Pratap, A.Learning personality traits from sleep diaries that are linked to sleep quality and daily functioning in real-world settings

Apr. 6 - 9, 2022
Baltimore, MD

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