Intro to SPSS Part 1

Excel dataset for the workshop: Self Esteem Dataset.xlsx

Power point slides: Introduction.pptx

Assignment: Assignment 1.docx

Dataset for Assignment: Big 5 short.xlsx and Big 5 short.csv

Webex meeting recording: Introduction to SPSS Part 1. 2021FEB10
Password: SPSSwkp01
Recording link:

Intro to SPSS Part 2

SPSS Datraset for Workshop: Self Esteem Dataset - Intro Part 2.sav

Codebook for Self Esteem Dataset: codebook Self Esteem.txt

Assignment: Assignment Introduction to SPSS Part II.docx

Dataset for Assignment: Big 5 Dataset.sav

Codebook for Big 5 dataset: codebook Big 5.txt

Webex meeting recording: Introduction to SPSS Part 2. 2021FEB17
Password: HvkVfX7v
Recording link:

Intro to SPSS Part 3

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop: Self Esteem Dataset - Intro Part 3.sav

Assignment: Assignment Introduction to SPSS Part III.docx

Dataset fro Assignment: Big 5 Dataset V2.sav

Webex meeting recording: Introduction to SPSS Part 3. 2021FEB24
Password: nBNwu4pY
Recording link:

Intro to SPSS Syntax

SPSS Dataset for Workshop: Self Esteem Dataset - Syntax.sav

SPSS Syntax for the Workshop: Syntax with Explanations.sps

Workshop Slides: SPSS Syntax Instructions.pptx

Assignment: SPSS Syntax Assignment.docx

SPSS Dataset for Assignment: Big 5 Dataset V3.sav

Webex meeting recording: Introduction to SPSS Syntax-2021MAR03
Password: aGHzF7N6
Recording link:

SPSS Means and Proportions

Power Point slikes: Statistical Inference.pptx

SPSS Dataset for Workshop and Assignment: Self Esteem Dataset - V3.sav

Assignment: SPSS Means and Proportions Assignment.docx

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Means and Proportion Tests I - 2021MAR10
Password: Pr3jVRXP
Recording link:

SPSS Means and Proportions II

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop: Headache Wide.sav

Codebook for Headach Dataset: Headache Codebook.txt

Assignment: SPSS Means and Proportions Assignment II.docx

SPSS Dataset for the Assignment: Cholesterol.sav

Codebook for the Cholesterol Dataset: Cholesterol Codebook.txt

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Means and Proportion Tests II-2021Mar7
Password: ZmJSPJw5
Recording link:

SPSS Linear Regression

Slides for the Workshop: Linear Models slides.pptx

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop:Headache Wide.sav

Assignment: SPSS Linear Regression Assignment.docx

SPSS Dataset for the Assignment: Cholesterol.sav

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Linear Regression - 2021Mar24
Password: bFCYEye6
Recording link:

SPSS Logistic Regression

Slides for Workshop:Logistic Regression slides.pptx

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop: Respiratory Illness.sav

Original Dataset (detaisl from source):Respiratory Illness - Codebook and Data.txt

Assignment: SPSS Logistic Regression Assignment.docx

SPSS Dataset for Assignment: Self Esteem Dataset - V3.sav

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Logistic Regression-2021Mar31
Password: hTBm6HK6
Recording link:

SPSS Mixed Models

Slides for Workshop: Mixed Models slides V4.pptx

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop: Cholesterol Wide.sav

Assignment: SPSS Mixed Models Assignment.docx

SPSS Dataset for Assignment: Headache Wide.sav

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Mixed Models-2021Apr07
Password: 8AxhhnRy
Recording link:

SPSS Linear Regression II

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop and Assignment:Self Esteem Dataset - V4.sav

Assignment: SPSS Linear Regression II Assignment.docx

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Regression Models II 2021Apr14
Password: Pm5SVvug
Recording link:

SPSS Mixed Models II

SPSS Dataset for the Workshop: Cholesterol Long V2.sav

Assignment: SPSS Mixed Models II Assignment.docx

SPSS Dataset for the Assignment: Dental Wide.sav

Codebood for the Assignment Dataset: Coodebook dental dataset.txt

Webex meeting recording: SPSS Mixed Models II-2021Apr21
Password: Upb8D4Ve
Recording link:

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