(BLAME ABHI - to put the project details in, since the public page is live, I will mostly use that text )
Abhi, I have added from the page! - Aditi
The SearchLight Study aims to gather the internal thoughts and state of mind of an individual at risk by studying their personal online seeking behavior.The goal is to learn real-world risk factors of self-harm by analyzing online web searches that were made during a prior suicide attempt.
Any information that can help understand the project better
Past research in the field that you’re building upon
Research that inspired you to start this project
Any additional information that can help show progress or movement
Over 50 years of research has shown limited success in preventing suicide. Perhaps one of the reasons is a focus on identifying “who” is at risk but not “when” they are at the highest risk of self-harm.
How will the project be beneficial and to whom?
The possible applications of the outcome of your project
How is the project being carried out? What methods are you using?
Further reading
Additional information
Anything that you think is relevant that doesn’t fit under any of the sections above.
Resource Stack
Resource | Location |
Point of Contact | |
Admin | |
Dev Team | Laurent Uhres |
Tech JIRA Project | Contractor Facing - https://w9n.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/CG/boards/10/backlog Internal Long Term - https://kcni.atlassian.net/jira/software/projects/SLOPS/boards/4 |
Code Repo | gTAP Frontend - https://github.com/apratap/gTAP.frontend gTAP Backend - https://github.com/apratap/gTAP.backend |
App Prototype | https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_lv4-nLY=/ |
Data from the pilot project | https://www.synapse.org/#!Synapse:syn11377348/files/ |
Web App Prototypes | gtap-dev.searchlightstudy.org/?participantId=400016&timepoint=week_12_arm_1 participantId: Allowed timepoints: |
Timeline Doc | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WjFqeK_IIffum05jtEO-cQut6wtJIRHKseEB-bLIpsA/edit |
Google Drive Folder | https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/1wpfBlmyIYCVrOBBHMHLwbrWxA6cf3qpp |
Figma Link | https://www.figma.com/file/HfwuvPM845iOLYiWJMFOXP/GTA?node-id=24%3A179 |