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The project |
ID must be a 3 character project code, followed by a two digit study code, followed by an underscore and finally a 3 character site code. Ex. ABC01_CMH
A Project Code will be assigned when you meet with the Neuroinformatics Platform Admin at your initial project on-boarding meeting. If you already use a project code in some other capacity (including but not limited to NGDB or TIGR Lab XNAT), please share this at the meeting as it is best to keep the same project code across platforms/databases. The Study Code is used to distinguish unique studies within a larger project, including sub-studies or study variations. Some big projects or labs will have multiple studies under the same project. One or more Site Codes will be used based on the location(s) of the study. See the Standardized Site Codes table for a list of current study sites and their corresponding site codes |
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